Friday, 6 December 2013

Rebuilding cupboards

The high level cupboards, both front and rear, are in a very poor state. At first glance, I thought the rear one would only need a couple of new bits and a good sanding back for the rest. On closer inspection, it turned out that pretty much all the plywood parts, were delaminating, apart from the sliding doors, which have been so vigorously sanded in the past, there's next to nothing left of the oak veneer. The only part still usable is the frame the the doors go in. 

The front cupboard/pelmet, literally fell apart as I took it down. For the amount of work it would take to salvage the very few useful bits from it, it's probably, going to be easier to start again.
Although I'm trying to retain the originality of the caravan, I do find this presents an opportunity to design in something more personal. Maybe putting frosted perspex sliding doors, instead of wooden ones. Putting in lighting in to the units etc. I'm going to get the basic cupboards done and then have a little play.

As the wood is very delicate, I have had to very carefully dismantle the cupboard, to keep the pieces together as much as possible, so I can use them as a template to cut new pieces. It will require both ends, top and bottom cutting from 6mm plywood and the back cutting from white faced hardboard. 

The frame sanded back really well to reveal beautifully grained oak, as with some of the other units. 

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