So that leads on to its new start with me. Having scrutinised the pictures thoroughly on the eBay posting and spoken to the owner I decided to take a gamble and put a bid on it. The pictures showed in a shocking state and I began to wondered if it would make it back. A week later with the car fully stocked with spares, tools and my friend Joe (who at this point had no idea where we were going or for what) we made the journey up to Scotland to pick it up. When we got there we were greeted by the friendly owner who was more than happy to help us ready the van for its journey. Having checked the structure for weaknesses and deemed it to be better than I thought it would be, we set about fitting new tyres, lights, safety beak away cable and ensuring that everything was greased and that the brakes were working whilst a slightly bemused Joe looked on in dismay. Plastic sheeting was fastened over the two broken windows and the rear door tied shut as it hadn't got a catch. The final checks done we were ready to set off.
Setting off and getting going it handled brilliantly which came as a pleasant surprise. We headed down the A68 which gave us chance to see snow on the tops as we crossed the border back into England. After 170 odd miles and many funny and confused looks later, we arrived back home in Leeds safe and sound.
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