Friday, 29 November 2013

Making a start

So first things first. I need to make it water tight. Apart from around the obvious broken windows there seemed to be a lot damp. There are a few holes in the rear fibre glass panel and where the tail light should be. I have gaffa taped these as a temporary measure until I can get them fixed.
There is also water getting in from the front where the roof and front panel join. Unlike later models, this has a thin strip of wood between the 2 panels which has nearly all rotted away.
At a guess, at some point it has had a log burner in it and a chimney has been put in the roof. This will need to be removed but at the moment it has had an old pan lid jammed over it, so it isn't leaking.
That done it as time to make a start on assessing the condition of the frame. It will require the bottom rail replacing full length down each side. As you would imagine the frame had rotted around the 2 broken windows. When I stripped back the test of the ply at the front of the caravan, I was surprised to see that most of the frame behind seems to be in good condition.
Another surprise, was the condition of the chassis. Considering it's 50years old and had spent much of it's time abandoned in a field, the chassis is in great condition! Better than the one on my sable, that I had to do extensive repair to. It will need the corner steadies repairing as the front 2 are badly bent and one of the rear ones has got pulled off. This was from when it was moved from the field with them still down.

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